Lafayette Train Accident Attorneys

Train accidents are rare, but when they happen the results are often devastating. What makes these accidents especially tragic is that they are often preventable. Most train accidents are the result of negligence.

Injured victims should contact an experienced Lafayette train accident lawyer to discuss how they may be able to take legal action. The train operator and other parties may be liable for your injuries, medical care, lost wages and any other damages you suffered.

Train accident cases are often complex, which is why you need a lawyer who understands the unique aspects of these legal claims. Galloway Jefcoat’s attorneys have the legal knowledge and resources to manage a train accident case from start to finish, and there are no upfront costs. The initial legal consultation is also free.

We are dedicated to recovering full compensation. Our firm has a proven history of success, having secured millions for our clients.

Galloway Jefcoat. Turning Wrong Into Right. Call for assistance:

Do I Have a Viable Train Accident Claim?

Trains are considered common carriers under federal and state laws. This means they have a duty to provide a high degree of care to protect passengers and property.

When another party’s negligence causes a train crash, that party may be held liable for the injuries and damages that result. The question is: How do you know if the crash was caused by negligence?

The answer is simple: there is no way to know if negligence may have occurred without talking to an experienced Lafayette train accident lawyer. This is why we strongly recommend that injured victims seek legal help right after receiving medical care for their injuries. When you call Galloway Jefcoat, we can determine if you may have a viable case and set up a free consultation with one of our attorneys.

There are other reasons you should speak to an experienced lawyer. Train crash cases are very complex, and there are many aspects of the crash that need to be considered, such as:

  • How the accident occurred
  • How your injuries occurred
  • The severity of your injuries
  • The amount of property damage caused by the crash
  • Whether the conductor made a reckless decision, such as taking a turn too fast

Insurance companies may reach out to you with a settlement offer. Sometimes, this may be a sign they bear some amount of liability for what happened. However, you should never accept such a quick settlement offer. The fact is, there is no way these offers can account for the full value of your medical care and other damages. At this stage of a legal case, all the damages are not yet known.

If you were injured in a train crash and think you may have a case, contact Galloway Jefcoat to discuss your potential legal options.

Types of Train Accident Cases

Our law firm is prepared to manage many types of train accident cases, including:

  • Collisions between trains
  • Train derailments
  • Collisions with cars or other motor vehicles
  • Collisions caused by debris on the tracks
  • Collisions with other motor vehicles caused by signaling equipment that did not function as it was supposed to
  • Crashes caused by overloaded train cars
  • Train crashes that release hazardous substances into the local environment
  • Slip and fall accidents at train stations

Victims of train accidents often have many legal questions and our experienced lawyers are here to answer those questions.

Contact Galloway Jefcoat to discuss the crash and how we may be able to help:

Compensation For Train Crash Victims

Train crash victims often need significant compensation for medical care. Some may need ongoing medical care long after their legal claim is resolved. Compensation for medical care may include compensation for the cost of:

  • Surgical procedures
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Prescription medication
  • Transportation in an ambulance
  • Hospital stays
  • Follow-up visits with doctors
  • Medical imaging

However, medical care is just one of many forms of compensation that may be available following a train crash. At Galloway Jefcoat, we are committed to securing full compensation for damages, which may include:

  • Wages lost because you could not work
  • Loss of earning capacity if you have a long-term disability that impairs your ability to work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Cost of hiring a caregiver
  • Long-term disability
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Lost companionship
  • And more

Galloway Jefcoat is deeply committed to securing full compensation for your damages, and we have a proven history of results.

Why You Need a Lafayette Train Accident Attorney

Train accidents are rare, but they can cause devastating injuries that may affect victims for the rest of their lives. Despite the often life-changing effects of these accidents, liable parties are probably going to look for some reason to deny accountability. They may deny your claim outright or offer you far less compensation than you need.

Why do insurance companies do this? The simple answer is they think they can get away with it, especially if you are not represented by a trial lawyer.

The attorneys at Galloway Jefcoat have taken many cases to court and have a proven history of results. When you hire our firm, we will be committed to pursuing the justice and compensation you deserve. We manage each step of the legal process on behalf of our clients, including:

  • Gathering and preserving evidence as quickly as possible
  • Preparing your settlement demand letter
  • Evaluating your damages to determine what your case may be worth
  • Negotiating for full compensation
  • Preparing your case for trial
  • Promptly responding to your communications and questions
  • Handling all communication with the insurance company
  • Explaining your rights
  • And much more

We manage the legal process so our clients can focus on their health and recovery. You do not need to be concerned about avoiding mistakes or evaluating whether a settlement offer is adequate.

Hiring a lawyer shows liable parties you are serious about securing the compensation you need. This may often increase your odds of obtaining the compensation you need to move forward with your life.

Determining Liability For a Train Accident

Liability for a train crash could be shared by multiple parties, which is why you need an experienced lawyer who knows how to identify those parties.

Some parties that may be at fault in a train crash include:

Train Operators

Train operators may be held liable for negligent operation of the train. For example, they may have been speeding, not paying attention, failing to respond to a mechanical problem or operating a train they knew was unsafe. Train operators often work long hours, which means many are tired and they may fall asleep while the train is in motion.

Train Companies

The train operator’s employer may be vicariously liable for the operator’s negligent actions. Train companies may also bear fault for poor maintenance of a train or for negligent hiring. They may have hired an operator who was not properly qualified or had other problems. For example, the train company may have known the operator had a substance abuse problem or a history of negligent actions.

Parties That Repair or Maintain Trains

Train companies may be liable for a crash caused by a train that had fallen into disrepair. However, companies often outsource the maintenance of a train. If a maintenance issue caused a train crash, the party responsible for maintaining or repairing the train may be held liable.

For example, your lawyer may be able to argue that there was a problem that the maintenance company should have discovered. The maintenance company may have also done poor work that did not fix the problem.

Train Manufacturers

Sometimes there is a design or manufacturing defect with the train that makes it more dangerous. Even if the operator is careful, the train could derail or be involved in some other type of crash. Defects with the brakes or acceleration could be particularly dangerous.


Sometimes fault for the crash lies with a driver who drove onto the tracks and crashed into the train. In these situations, you may have a claim against the driver’s car insurance.

Call Galloway Jefcoat’s Lafayette Train Accident Lawyers

Train accident victims often have severe injuries that may affect them for a long time, even permanently. You cannot expect the liable insurance companies to take care of you and provide all the compensation you and your family are going to need.

Galloway Jefcoat’s attorneys are prepared to help you seek full and fair compensation with every step of the legal process, and at no upfront cost to you. The initial consultation with one of our lawyers is also free and comes with no obligation to hire our firm. Our lawyers are not paid unless our clients receive compensation.

Call us to learn more about the benefits of hiring a lawyer and whether you may have a case.

Turning Wrong Into Right. Contact us at: 337-984-8020.