
What Happens in an Appeal of a Louisiana Personal Injury Verdict?

Insurance companies do not like awarding full compensation to an injury victim. However, they may be particularly unhappy if the case goes to trial and the jury awards even more compensation than the insurer would have paid in an out-of-court settlement. Fortunately for the insurance company, they may be able to file an appeal of... Read more

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Questions You Should Have About a Settlement Offer

While there are some personal injury cases that end up in court, most end when the victim accepts a settlement offer from the liable insurance company. Accepting a settlement offer from the insurance company means you receive compensation and release the insurance company from further liability related to the accident. Since you will not be... Read more

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What Are Your Legal Options if You Think the At-Fault Driver is Lying About the Crash?

In Louisiana, the driver who is found at fault for a crash is financially liable for the damages that result. The victim can file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company to recover compensation. A claim against a driver’s insurance is most likely going to result in an insurance premium increase in the future.... Read more

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Can You File an Injury Claim for the Aggravation of an Existing Medical Condition?

Sometimes personal injury accidents aggravate the victim’s existing injuries. For example, a car crash victim’s back injury may have been made worse by the trauma he or she suffered in the crash. The victim may have had a herniated disc before the crash and the collision may have caused more damage to the disc. While... Read more

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Assessing Fault for a Crash in a Louisiana Intersection

An intersection can be a dangerous place for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists. When multiple vehicles pass through intersections going in opposite directions or making right or left turns, drivers not actively paying attention to other road users can cause serious, potentially fatal crashes. When it comes to crashes at intersections, assessing fault will depend on... Read more

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Who Could Be Held Liable for a Sideswipe Accident in Louisiana?

Drivers often view certain types of crashes as minor accidents that are not that big of a deal. For example, many people think of rear-end accidents or sideswipe collisions as fender benders. While it is true some of these crashes are not that severe, others can be quite dangerous. Sideswipe crashes, for example, could result... Read more

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How Accident Reconstruction Could Help Your Attorney Prove Your Case

In a car accident case, the burden of proof is on the victim who is seeking compensation. That means your attorney must prove the other party is at fault and link your injuries to the accident. Your attorney may gather various pieces of evidence to build a case against the at-fault party. However, sometimes pictures... Read more

Liability for Car Crashes That Happen at Night

When the sun goes down, the risk of a dangerous car accident goes up. Even though about only 25 percent of all motor vehicle travel happens at night, approximately 50 percent of fatal car accidents happen after dark, according to statistics gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). There are various reasons why... Read more

Do You Need to Disclose Your Medical Records in a Louisiana Car Crash Claim?

When you file a claim for compensation for car crash damages, the burden of proof is on you. This means you must establish that another driver owed you a duty of care, he or she breached the duty of care and link the breach to your injury. You also need to prove you suffered an... Read more

What are the Steps in the Legal Process of a Car Crash Claim?

The legal process can be complicated, particularly if the victim suffered significant damages or fault is contested by the insurance company. The longer it takes to resolve a claim, the more steps there can be in the process. While each case is different, most cases have similar steps. Below, we discuss the basic steps in... Read more