
Responding to the E-cig Regulation

The 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey showed that more than 5 million youth, including middle school age students, reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days and nearly one million users daily. A majority of those current e-cigarette users reported using JUUL© as their brand of choice. How does this affect me? No longer are... Read more

CARES Act and Employee Retention

The CARES Act, also known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, is designed to encourage Eligible Employers to keep employees on their payroll, despite experiencing economic hardship related to COVID – 19, with a few options. There is some specific information you will need to discuss when applying for these loans.  Some questions... Read more

Thinking Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness!

This October, Galloway Jefcoat saw the world through rose colored glasses! Throughout the month of October, the entire GJ staff took part in various activities to support Breast Cancer Awareness and Research! On Friday, October 18th, our staff rocked their favorite pink outfits for national “Wear It Pink” day to raise awareness for Breast Cancer... Read more

Galloway Jefcoat now offers virtual appointments

Dear Family, Friends, Clients, and Colleagues, Please be advised that we at Galloway Jefcoat, LLP have been monitoring the COVID-19 situation and have been adopting safe practices to protect our employees and clients and to the best of our ability to maintain service to our clients. During this troubling time, we are now offering virtual... Read more

Helping Businesses Navigate Legalities During COVID

Everyone at Galloway Jefcoat hopes our friends and clients are staying safe, healthy, and practicing social distancing during this most difficult time. As a result of this situation, our office is signing up and representing local businesses, who will be making claims for their economic losses under their Business Operations Policies. These losses may result... Read more

What is an Asylum Case?

You may be able to apply for an asylum case if you are in the United States and for a refugee case from your home country. In both cases you are allowed protection from your country. Watch as attorney Holly Lamarche explains the differences between a refugee and an asylum case and the steps you... Read more

What Does it Mean to be Declared Disabled?

It is up to an administrative judge to determine if you can be declared disabled. A five step process well determine the rules and a lawyer should know what those processes are. Medical evidence will be gathered and attorney Jason Weaver advises his clients to testify in court. Watch as Lake Charles SSD lawyer Jason... Read more

Why is it Important Not to Settle a Case Quickly?

The attorneys at Galloway Jefcoat want to have and maintain a personal relationship with their clients. Watch as John Jefcoat describes a case in which a woman was left with third degree burns after an accident. Having the time to closely work with clients allows for the attorneys at Galloway Jefcoat to produce the best... Read more

What Happens in a Workers Compensation Hearing?

When you file for workers compensation benefits, you may attend several hearings over the course of settling your claim. An attorney can work with you to prepare you for each workers compensation hearing. If your case eventually goes to trial, then a lawyer can represent your best interests. Watch attorney Shelly Maturin explain the process... Read more

What Is Negligent Security?

Property owners, especially business owners, owe a duty of care to visitors and guests. In some cases, this means that business owners must provide adequate security to protect patrons from theft, assault and other crimes. Sometimes, even inadequate lighting may be grounds for a premises liability claim, if it contributes to an injury. Watch attorney... Read more