Pursuing Compensation After a Red-Light Crash in Lafayette

Drivers who ignore the law by running a red light put themselves and others at serious risk of suffering critical or even fatal injuries.

If you were injured by a red-light runner, you may be eligible to seek compensation for your medical costs and other damages. Our experienced Lafayette car accident lawyers have been helping injured victims for decades. Call today and ask how we can turn your wrong into right.

In the article below, Galloway Jefcoat explains more about red light crashes, including how they happen and what legal options you may have to recover your losses.

Galloway Jefcoat. Turning Wrong Into Right. 337-984-8020.

What Are Common Causes of Red-Light Crashes?

Cars at a red light intersection.

People run red lights for many reasons. However, negligent, careless and reckless driving is a common factor in most of these collisions.

  • Distracted driving: Texting and other distractions can cause drivers to miss a red light.
  • Speeding: Going too fast slows drivers’ responses, preventing them from avoiding a crash.
  • Driving under the influence: Impairment causes reckless behavior and slowed reaction times.
  • Disregard for traffic signals or signs: Drivers who blatantly ignore traffic signals may expect others to stop for them, even when they do not have the right of way.
  • Mechanical failures: Failed brakes could cause a driver to be unable to stop, even if they apply the brakes.
  • Aggressive or impatient drivers: Some individuals risk getting into a crash simply because they do not want to wait.
  • Drowsy driving: People who are too tired risk missing red lights and causing harm to themselves and others. When you are overly tired, you can miss things like stop signs and red lights.
  • Poor visibility: Bad weather and obstructions can make it difficult for drivers to see. However, red lights are harder to obstruct for either of these reasons.
  • Broken traffic light: People may get confused if a traffic light goes out. Confusion at an intersection could easily cause a crash.

Can I Recover Compensation After a Red-Light Collision?

Whether or not you can seek compensation in Louisiana depends on how the red-light crash occurred. Crash investigators will look at a combination of factors and events leading up to the collision to determine what caused it. This evidence will help them determine who may be liable.

If you have a valid case, there are several types of compensation you may be able to seek, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Current and future medical costs
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Lost wages if the injury affects your ability to work
  • Damage to your property, including your car and items inside

Are Red Light Runners Automatically Liable for a Crash?

Red light runners violate traffic laws, but that may not make them liable for a crash. If the red-light runner is ticketed, it could help strengthen your case. However, it still does not make them automatically liable for the crash.

Each case requires a thorough investigation to establish liability. Multiple factors are assessed to determine fault for a red-light crash. Evidence may include witness statements, dashcam or traffic camera footage, police reports and more.

Who Else May Be Liable for a Red-Light Crash?

One of the things investigators look at is what both drivers were doing prior to the crash. While the driver who runs a red light is often at fault, other parties may share some of the liability.

Crash investigators must determine all parties who contributed to the crash. The outcome impacts the amount of compensation the injured victim may be eligible to recover.

Additional parties who may be liable or partially liable for a red-light car accident include:

  • Other drivers who may have contributed to the crash in some way
  • Government entities responsible for maintaining traffic lights
  • Vehicle manufacturers if a defect, such as faulty brakes, contributed to the crash
  • Construction companies if poor road design or inadequate warnings played a role
  • Employers of drivers who were on the job at the time of the accident

Identifying all liable parties requires a thorough investigation and understanding of Louisiana traffic laws.

How Can the Victim Be Partially at Fault for a Red-Light Crash?

It is possible in certain situations. Here is an example of how that could play out:

Let’s say one driver ran a red light and the other driver approaching a green light was speeding and did not slow down to ensure the intersection was clear. Speeding may have caused the driver with the green light to have less time to avoid the crash.

All drivers owe a duty of care to take reasonable measures to avoid causing harm. In this situation, it could mean stopping and waiting for a red-light runner to pass even though you have the right of way.

There are many factors that can impact the outcome of a case, including whether the injured victim shares any liability for the damages. Having a knowledgeable attorney manage your case could benefit your claim and ensure you are not unfairly assessed with liability.

Proving a Red-Light Runner’s Negligence Caused Your Crash

In red-light crashes, as with any injury case, the burden of proving negligence falls to the victim or the attorney representing that victim.

Proving negligence involves more than just saying that the other driver ran a red light. Your attorney will also need to show how that negligence led to the crash that caused you to suffer injuries and other losses.

This is why we recommend injured parties seek legal counsel to protect their rights as soon after the incident as possible.

What Is the Average Settlement for a Red-Light Crash in Louisiana?

In Louisiana, car accident settlements vary widely, regardless of whether a red-light runner caused the collision. Each case is unique and dependent on many factors, including the type of injury you sustained and how badly you were injured.

Settlements can range from thousands to millions of dollars. The overall value of your claim should reflect the cost of your recovery and the extent of the other driver’s negligence.

For instance, say a distracted driver runs a red light at low speed and crashes into another vehicle. Victims who suffered a sprained wrist in that crash may recover quickly. That is not to say a sprained wrist is minor. However, it does not have the same impact as someone who sustains a traumatic brain injury caused by a drunk driver going at high speed.

What Are the Most Common Injuries From Red Light Crashes?

Red light crashes often result in severe injuries due to the high-speed impact of vehicles colliding at intersections.
The most common injuries from red light crashes include:

  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Internal organ damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Whiplash and neck injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Psychological trauma/PTSD

How To Avoid Red Light Collisions

A red-light collision can happen at the most unexpected time due to an at-fault driver failing to yield the right of way at an interaction. Even with negligent drivers blowing through red lights, drivers with the right of way can take steps to avoid a crash if they drive defensively by:

  • Remaining alert when going through intersections, even if you have the right of way.
  • Understanding and obey all traffic signals and road signs
  • Checking cross traffic before entering an intersection on the green
  • Monitoring crossing areas and blind spots for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Refraining from speeding through intersections, whether you have a green, yellow, or red light
  • Increasing your following distance and exercise greater caution during severe weather
  • Making sure your vehicle is properly maintained

Seeking Compensation for Your Injuries? Call Galloway Jefcoat

It is difficult to recover compensation for a red-light crash on your own, especially if you suffered severe injuries. However, there is no reason to go through the legal process alone.

At Galloway Jefcoat, our legal team has a reputation for turning wrong into right. Call today to discuss your situation and learn about your potential legal options. We are prepared to help you seek the full and fair compensation you need to help you recover and move forward with your life.

Contact us today at 337-984-8020 for a free consultation.