Where Should I Get Medical Treatment for Lafayette Car Crash Injuries?

After being injured in a car crash, your health should always be your top priority, but should you go to your primary doctor, an urgent care center or a nearby emergency room?

At Galloway Jefcoat, we are here to answer your questions and provide legal help after a car crash. Our firm helps victims injured by the negligence of others every day, something we have been doing for more than 25 years.

We understand how medical decisions can affect both your recovery and the compensation you receive. If you have been injured in a car crash, we encourage you to contact our Lafayette car accident lawyers as soon as possible. Deadlines apply when seeking compensation for your medical costs and other losses, and your attorney needs time to build a robust case on your behalf. If we represent you, there are no upfront fees, and your initial consultation is free.

Call 337-984-8020 to request a FREE case review today. Turning Wrong Into Right.

Should I Go to the ER for My Injuries?

emergency room signGoing to the emergency room (ER) after a car crash can help you to get the care you need, especially if your injuries are severe or life-threatening. Internal injuries, such as damage to your organs or a brain bleed, cannot be diagnosed without the proper equipment. You should also opt for the ER if you experience any disorientation, chest pain or bleeding after a car crash.

The ER specializes in treating life-threatening conditions and has the proper tools and medical team available to diagnose and stabilize severe injuries, such as:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): TBIs can occur from a direct blow to the head, possibly from striking the steering wheel, dashboard or windows. The violent impact of a car crash can cause your brain to move aggressively in your skull, leading to bruising, bleeding or swelling.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: These injuries usually occur from the impact of a crash and resulting damage to the vehicle. Victims injured this way could sustain a bruised, crushed or severed spinal cord. This damage could cause significant damage, including partial or full paralysis.
  • Internal Bleeding: The sudden, forceful impact of a crash can cause your internal organs to collide with other organs or skeletal structures, leading to tears or ruptures.
  • Punctured Lungs: Broken ribs, a common injury in severe crashes, can puncture a lung, leading to pneumothorax, a potentially life-threatening condition that can cause your lung(s) to collapse.
  • Multiple Fractures: High-impact collisions can cause multiple, severe fractures, particularly in your arms, legs, pelvis and ribcage. These injuries can lead to significant blood loss and internal organ damage.
  • Organ Damage: Direct force from seat belts, airbags or debris can damage internal organs, such as your liver, spleen or kidneys.
  • Severe Burns: Fires resulting from collisions, contact with hot surfaces or chemicals can cause severe burns. These injuries are extremely serious, potentially leading to infection, fluid loss and the need for long-term rehabilitative care.

Is It Better to Go to Urgent Care for My Injuries?

If your injuries are not life-threatening, urgent care could be an alternative to the ER. However, they may not have the equipment to check for internal bleeding, head injuries or other internal injuries.

Since time is often critical with injuries like these, an ER is often still the best choice. However, for minor fender benders, they can handle less severe injuries such as:

  • Minor Cuts and Burns: If the cut is superficial and stops bleeding once you apply pressure or the burn affects only the top layer of your skin, urgent care can offer the necessary treatment.
  • Mild Concussions: If you have had a head injury with mild, stable symptoms like a headache or dizziness, urgent care can evaluate and treat you.
  • Sprains and Strains: For injuries where you can still move and bear some weight, urgent care may be able to provide diagnostics, such as X-rays and treatment advice. However, call ahead, as urgent care centers do not always have X-ray equipment or the staff to operate them.

After an accident, you may be unsure of the severity of your injuries. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and go to the ER first. Whether you visit the ER or urgent care, the at-fault party is responsible for your medical expenses.

Why Would a Doctor Refuse to Treat an Injured Patient?

Some injured car crash victims may try to see their own doctor as opposed to going to an ER. However, many primary care physicians may avoid treating car crash injuries for the following reasons:


Doctors typically specialize in certain areas and might not feel confident treating injuries related to car accidents, which could be complex. They are also unlikely to have diagnostic equipment available and may end up sending you to the ER anyway. In some cases, doctors may refer you to a specialist who can better help you with your condition.

Billing and Insurance

Insurance companies and the billing process for car accident injuries can be complicated and time-consuming. Many doctors may prefer to avoid these administrative challenges.

Legal Concerns

Healthcare providers aim to deliver the best possible care to their patients, yet some may hesitate to become involved in the legal processes following an accident. Legal involvement could mean substantial time commitments for medical doctors, such as preparing detailed medical reports or appearing in court.


Doctors with busy practices might not have the capacity to take on the additional work involved in treating car accident injuries.

Why Do Some Injured Victims Avoid the Doctor?

Some victims may not seek medical attention due to the belief that they cannot afford it. However, injuries could get worse over time without proper treatment. Severe internal injuries can become life-threatening without immediate diagnosis and treatment.

There is no legal deadline for getting medical treatment. However, not seeking medical care right away will very likely raise questions with the insurance company about the severity of your injuries. They may even deny your claim, arguing your injuries could have happened elsewhere. Seeking prompt medical treatment and following your doctor’s order helps to protect your claim.

Injured in a Car Crash? Call Galloway Jefcoat Now

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident, we recommend seeking legal assistance from one of our experienced lawyers in Lafayette.

At Galloway Jefcoat, we have the staff and resources to guide you through every step of the legal process. We are also prepared to fight for the compensation you deserve for your injuries and other losses.

Learn more about your legal options.

Call us today at 337-984-8020.