Workers Compensation

Are You Entitled To Your Own Choice of Physician in a Louisiana Workers Comp Case?

A claimant is entitled to their own choice of physician in the state of Louisiana. You’re entitled to go to your own choice of physician in each field of specialty. If you feel you are in need of a neurosurgeon for nerve damage then you’re entitled to your own choice of physician in the neurology... Read more

CARES Act and Employee Retention

The CARES Act, also known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, is designed to encourage Eligible Employers to keep employees on their payroll, despite experiencing economic hardship related to COVID – 19, with a few options. There is some specific information you will need to discuss when applying for these loans.  Some questions... Read more

What Happens in a Workers Compensation Hearing?

When you file for workers compensation benefits, you may attend several hearings over the course of settling your claim. An attorney can work with you to prepare you for each workers compensation hearing. If your case eventually goes to trial, then a lawyer can represent your best interests. Watch attorney Shelly Maturin explain the process... Read more